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How to change the bulb on Lada Granta

Как поменять лампу ближнего света на Лада Гранта


Replacement passing lamp — it is a skill that should have every motorist. If You've never changed the bulb, we suggest that to test the replacement to be ready for this "on the road". Moreover, the Lada Granta lamp changing quick and not difficult, as, for example, on Renault Megane 2, it is necessary to turn the wheels, remove the boot, and touch to replace. For replacement does not require any special tools. Since beam bulb/high beam halogen Grant, that when replaced do not touch glass bulb with bare hands because grease can cause local darkening of the glass and the bulb will burn out quickly. Recommended lamp replacement Grant clean rubber gloves. Well, if you all the same inadvertently fingers touched the glass of the lamp, you need to wipe it clean with a rag soaked in alcohol. 1. Ignition off, lights and dimensions. 2. Open the hood of the car. 3. Remove the protective plastic cap. 4. Remove the chip with wires. To do this, pull it to the side. You may need to make the extra effort. 5. Next, remove the rubber plug. It is secured on the sides of the three grooves. Of the cap are projections, it is necessary to pull them. Plug can be hooked in the center for the lamp, so not much pull, and smooth movements, try to remove the plug with the lights and the lamp housing. 6. Bend to the side "whiskers" that secure the lamp. The two of them. One removed downwards, the other upwards. 7. Remove headlight, carefully pull outwards and it will come out of the seats. 8. Installation of new bulb make in return sequence. After replacing the headlight adjustment is not required.
